Online Application

Online Payment Only

Business Information

Ex: 01/01/2022

Business Location

Business Contact Information

Primary Contact

Ex: 01/01/2022

Secondary Contact

Ex: 01/01/2022

Accounts Payable Contact (if different from above)

Membership Selection

Operating within 14103, membership listing on website, participation in MAP events at no additional fee, participation in MAP activities at a reduced fee, serve and chair committees, serve on the Board of Directors, vote at general meetings.
Operating within 14103, membership listing on website, participation in MAP events for an additional fee, participation in MAP activities at an increased fee, serve and chair committees, serve on the Board of Directors, vote at general meetings.
Located outside 14103 with a vested interest in the success and continual progress of Medina, membership listing on the website, participation in MAP activities at an increased fee, serve on committees.
A convenience will be added to the final total.
All information provided on this form is up-to-date and accurate. Membership will not be approved until payment is received, for problems, please send your request via the contact form on this website. All dues are calendar year.

Print Application

Cash or Check

Membership Benefits

Your business on our ‘MAP’

Member Spotlight on social media

Participation in MAP activities

Ability to serve on committees

Membership listing on website

More to come!

Membership Resources